jpeg artifacts at their finest
This box is going to be dedicated to all of the dumb and random nonsense that won't even matter in the long run of the website, and instead it will be taking up room so that I don't have to design the website as much because I am lazy. It is definitely a possibility that I will change my mind about this later when I actually make the website. In fact, I'd say it is a predetermined fact that I will most certainly not even be taking this box seriously as I write it, and instead I am indeed writing random nonsense for the sole purpose of filling this rather large, empty box so that it will no longer be an empty box; however, it will still be large and it remains a constant that this is a box. It's also possible that nobody will ever even read this text, and I'm just doing it to waste time while I have nothing to do??? What if this box never becomes anything more than a box that is being used to be filled in for absolutely no purpose at all? That is a sad and depressing thought for anyone who morally supports this box's lifestyle, because it won't be able to live a fufilling life like it was meant to. Anyone who doesn't sympathize with boxes such as this one are probably people who are prejudice against edges and only like round, edgeless shapes that are nearly impossible to fill in with words like this one has been. Personally I like all shapes because they're neat, but I can say for sure that this is currently my favorite box of all time, seeing as how it is full of life and full of love. I guess you could say I love this box. In a friendly kind of way. Not anything weird. This is awkward.
this box is sad because it's at the bottom and feels left out :(